Cowboy Mama
Cowboy mama I know some days are harder than others. Your life has flipped from all day errday in the saddle to changing diapers and wiping noses.
Most days you’re good and you know your blessings are abundant but some days the mountains pull at your heart more than others. When fall first arrives and the colors change. Or On a blue bird day with fresh snow you want to be long trotting for miles through the powder.
Now instead of chasing wild cows you’re chasing wild kids.
Life looks a little different as you dive deeper into the roll of a servant and mother. But know on the horizon these moments are fleeting with your littles. And you will soon share a new joy in riding…with them!! A joy so abounding in love to see your littles grow and ride along next to you. A joy that no amount of hours in the saddle would ever give you.
So cowboy Mama. Enjoy the diapers, enjoy the little laughs and smiles. Enjoy being the one your child needs. Because these days are fast and pretty soon your littles will be cowboying right along with you. Take the time to raise your babies to be cowboys.