The boys and I sled around and check water holes. Why Mike lets us do this I don’t know. Choppin water holes isn’t my thing. Not becasue I don’t want to do it but becasue i suck at it. I don’t know why, it seems simple enough. It’s not the shovelling, give me a shovel and some dirt and I’m a menace. The axe work… a frozen water hole is a pretty big target so I never miss.
No for me it seems to be the science behind how water flows. What’s that? You say ‘Down stream D, it moves down stream.’
Thank you for your helpful advice. And it is helpful because it seems to be the downstream that gets me. To keep the water flowing down further so it doesn’t all boil back and out and freeze up where I actually need it to flow.
But we are a persistent trio so we go back everyday when it’s cold and make sure we can get something moving.
I’ll chop and then Fergus will stab with his shovel and rip up some ice. Lark likes to slip slide around. Heck, before you know it we are all skating and falling around on the ice and when it’s all said and done we have but a small bit of water flowing again, Rosy cheeks and a belly full of laughter.
We will try again tomorrow.