Nestled in the horsefly river valley the last week of August Cowboys and friends gathered at Black creek Ranch for a three day life changing experience with the accomplished Sarah Southwell.
Sarah, is a student in Classical French Dressage mentored by the world renowned Dominique Barbier. Her passion is developing riding through awareness, self discipline and Confidence to be able to help riders not only communicate with their horse but also reach a higher level of connection.
Sarah instantly creates an environment full of fun, lots of Laughter and most importantly Love.
Sarah has such a rare and unique ability to put to words what we feel as riders and the horse human connection, Helping us dive deeper into that feeling creating oneness and lightness with our horses that can only be manifested from a place of love and without the human ego.

( Me and Sonny Bear in Shoulder in)
The saying “what we learn in Pleasure, we never forget” rang true.
We spent the days working on Shoulder in and haunches in, some played around with Pirouette, Piaffe, passage and Spanish walk. And because Sarah is so well rounded we switched it up and worked the Cowtrac/ flag seeing how these classical movements are foundational to the working horse in everyday life on the ranch.

( Sabrina and Sammy working the flag)
It was a clinic for everyone and every horse.
Sarah is truly for the horse and his well being. Understanding how each part of the horse functions and getting the best movement from him most efficiently.
This woman, with so much Love in her heart is the instructor that everyone needs in their life and that every horse needs. No matter your discipline or riding level Sarah can help your horse like no one else. Her knowledge and understanding is endless.
Sarah will be returning in 2024 to do a spring and fall clinic at Black Creek Ranch in horsefly BC
You can follow her on Social Media platforms or subscribe to her Patreon, at Canadian Equestrian Arts Academy.
( Sarah at home with her Lusitano Alter Real stud Xhiao)
Danika, I love your writing. It is wonderful to feel your passion for this form of riding come through in your written word. xo